1. Home
■ About
■ Acknowledgements
■ Why Konica?
■ A bit of history
■ Disclaimer
2. SLR Bodies
■ Auto-Reflex (1965-1968)
■ Autoreflex T (1968-1970)
■ Autoreflex T2 (1970-1973)
■ Autoreflex T3 (1973-1974)
■ Autoreflex T3N (1974-1977)
■ Autoreflex TC (1976-1981)
■ Autoreflex T4 (1977-1978)
■ Konica FS-1 (1979-1982)
■ Konica FC-1 (1980-1981)
■ Konica FP-1 (1981-1983)
■ Konica FT-1 Motor (1982-1987)
■ Konica TC-X (1985-1988)
■ Comparative table
3. Hexanon Lenses
■ Versions and types
■ Super wide-angle lenses
■ Wide-angle lenses
■ Standard lenses
■ Short telephoto lenses
■ Long telephoto lenses
■ Zoom lenses
■ Macro lenses and helicoid
■ Teleconverter
■ Time of production
■ Comparative table
4. Accessories
■ Viewfinder accessories
■ Lens accessories
■ Electronic accessories
■ Macro accessories
5. Hexanon database
■ Basic data visualization
■ What can we tell?
■ Production codes
■ Serial numbers
■ How rare is that lens?
6. Technical questions
■ Konica's AR mount
■ Shutter-priority exposure
■ Metal shutters
■ Light metering
■ Viewfinders
■ EE and AE 'versions'
■ The Tokina connection
■ Lens coatings
■ Konica and the JCII
■ Digital photography
■ Mercury batteries
7. Other Konicas
■ Koniflex (1952)
■ Koniflex-35 (1957)
■ Konica IIIA (1958)
■ KonicaFlex (1959)
■ Konica F (1960)
■ Konica FR (1961)
■ Konica Domirex (1963)
■ Konica Auto S2 (1965)
■ Koni-Omegaflex (1967)
■ Konica SF (1967)
■ Koni-Omega (1968)
■ Konica Auto S3 (1973)
■ Konica C35 AF (1977)
■ Konica AA-35 (1980)
■ Konica Hexar AF (1991)
■ Konica Hexar RF (1999)
8. Sources
■ Advertising
■ Bibliography
■ Instruction manuals
■ Links
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